(n.) A genus of plants, including a great number of species. Lobelia inflata, or Indian tobacco, is an annual plant of North America, whose leaves contain a poisonous white viscid juice, of an acrid taste. It has often been used in medicine as an emetic, expectorant, etc. L. cardinalis is the cardinal flower, remarkable for the deep and vivid red color of its flowers.
Typist: Penelope
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. Indian tobacco (a name of the North American species; Lobelia inflata).
Checker: Nona
n. an ornamental flower its roots medicinal.
Typed by Cecil
- Another species of Lobelia, which is visited by bees, seeds freely in my garden. Charles Darwin. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.
- Veratrum viride, lobelia, worm seed, and chloroform were all introduced in the first part of the century. Edward W. Byrn. The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century.
Edited by Babbage