['ædvɜːb] or ['ædvɝb]
(noun.) the word class that qualifies verbs or clauses.
(noun.) a word that modifies something other than a noun.
Inputed by Elliot--From WordNet
(n.) A word used to modify the sense of a verb, participle, adjective, or other adverb, and usually placed near it; as, he writes well; paper extremely white.
Typist: Nelly
n. a word added to a verb adjective or other adverb to express some modification of the meaning or an accompanying circumstance.—adj. Adverb′ial pertaining to an adverb—used also as a n.—adv. Adverb′ially.
Inputed by Hubert
- Our English adverbs do Not terminate in Mong, and We Pronounce the “ch” as if there were a “t” before it. Charles Dickens. Our Mutual Friend.
- Of the meaning and use of the articles and conjunctions, verbs and adverbs and pronouns he had but the faintest conception. Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan of the Apes.
Checker: Monroe