(v. t.) To attempt to attract the notice, admiration, or love of; to treat with a show of tenderness or regard, with a view to deceive and disappoint.
(v. i.) To trifle in love; to stimulate affection or interest; to play the coquette; to deal playfully instead of seriously; to play (with); as, we have coquetted with political crime.
v. n. Flirt, philander, make love, make a show of love, affect to be in love, play at courtship.
v.i. to excite admiration or love.—v.t. to trifle with in love: to flirt with: to dally with:—pr.p. coquet′ting; pa.p. coquet′ted.—ns. Cō′quetry act of coquetting: attempt to attract admiration without serious affection: deceit in love: any kind of prettiness; Coquette′ a vain woman who seeks admiration from mere vanity: a flirt.—adj. Coquet′tish practising coquetry: befitting a coquette.—adv. Coquet′tishly.—n. Coquet′tishness.