(n.) One of the special jointed organs situated on the under side, and near the end, of the abdomen of spiders, by means of which they spin their webs. Most spiders have three pairs of spinnerets, but some have only two pairs. The ordinary silk line of the spider is composed of numerous smaller lines jointed after issuing from the spinnerets.
or one of the organs with which insects form their webs.—adj. Spinner′ular.—ns. Spin′nerule one of the tubules of a spinneret; Spin′nery a spinning-mill.—adj. Spin′ning used in spinning.—ns. Spin′ning-house a place of correction where lewd and incorrigible women were made to spin; Spin′ning-jenn′y a machine by which a number of threads can be spun at the same time; Spin′ning-mill a factory where thread is spun; Spin′ning-wheel a machine for spinning yarn consisting of a wheel driven by the hand or by a treadle which drives one or two spindles.—Spin a yarn to tell a long story; Spin out to prolong tediously.