(a.) Dismal; gloomy with solitude.
(n.) Sadness; dismalness.
Typed by Jeanette
Synonyms and Synonymous
a. Gloomy, DREARY.
Edited by Gene
adj. gloomy: cheerless.—adv. Drear′ily.—ns. Drear′iment Drear′ing Drear′ihead Drear′ihood (Spens.) dreariness cheerlessness; Drear′iness.—adj. Drear′isome desolate forlorn.
Checker: Mario
- Better die at once--better plunge a poinard in her bosom, still untouched by drear adversity, and then again sheathe it in my own! Mary Shelley. The Last Man.
- Thus he lay through the diminishing days and lengthening nights of the whole drear month of November. Charlotte Bronte. Shirley.
- Daylight began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twilight. Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre.
- One drear word comprised my intolerable duty--Depart! Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre.
- We had expected this moment with eagerness, for now we had accomplished the worst part of our drear journey, and Switzerland was near at hand. Mary Shelley. The Last Man.
Checker: Mario