
['ɜːb(ə)n] or ['ɝbən]


(adj.) located in or characteristic of a city or city life; 'urban property owners'; 'urban affairs'; 'urban manners' .

(adj.) relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area; 'urban sociology'; 'urban development' .

Editor: Ricky--From WordNet


(a.) Of or belonging to a city or town; as, an urban population.

(a.) Belonging to, or suiting, those living in a city; cultivated; polite; urbane; as, urban manners.

Typed by Jennifer


adj. of or belonging to a city.—adj. Urbāne′ pertaining to or influenced by a city: civilised: refined: courteous.—adv. Urbāne′ly.—n. Urban′ity the quality of being urbane: refinement: politeness.—Urbi et orbi='to the city and to the world ' a form used in the publication of papal bulls for the purpose of signifying their formal promulgation to the entire Catholic world as well as to the city of Rome.

Inputed by Ezra


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