(v. t.) To put inconvenience; to incommode; to trouble.
Inputed by George
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. Disturb, annoy, molest, trouble, disquiet, incommode, inconvenience, put to inconvenience.
Editor: Monica
v.t. to incommode.—adj. Discommō′dious.—adv. Discommō′diously.—n. Discommod′ity inconvenience.
Inputed by Celia
- But some courses of action are too discommoding and obnoxious to others to allow of this course being pursued. John Dewey. Democracy and Education.
- An efficient police force will be on hand to preserve order and keep the wild beasts from leaping the railings and discommoding the audience. Mark Twain. The Innocents Abroad.
- I perceive now, however, that they might have taken him by the heels and thrown him clear over the house without discommoding him very much. Mark Twain. The Innocents Abroad.
Inputed by Dustin