
['kɒknɪ] or ['kɑkni]


(noun.) the nonstandard dialect of natives of the east end of London.

(noun.) a native of the east end of London.

(adj.) relating to or resembling a cockney; 'Cockney street urchins' .

(adj.) characteristic of Cockneys or their dialect; 'cockney vowels' .

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(n.) An effeminate person; a spoilt child.

(n.) A native or resident of the city of London; -- used contemptuously.

(a.) Of or relating to, or like, cockneys.

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Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Londoner, citizen, swell

ANT:Clodhopper, bumpkin, lout

Inputed by Ezra


n. (Shak.) an affected effeminate person knowing the manners of the town but a stranger to what every child else knows: a townsman as opposed to a countryman: one born in London but strictly in a particular part of London.—ns. Cock′neydom the domain of Cockneys; Cockneyficā′tion.—v.t. Cock′neyfy to make Cockney.—adj. Cock′neyish.—n. Cock′neyism the dialect or manners of a Cockney.—The Cockney school a school of writers belonging to London who flourished in the first half of the nineteenth century.

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