[ænə'teɪʃ(ə)n] or [,æno'teʃən]
(n.) A note, added by way of comment, or explanation; -- usually in the plural; as, annotations on ancient authors, or on a word or a passage.
Checker: Tessie
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. Note, comment, commentary, remark, observation, gloss, scholium, explanation.
Typist: Nigel
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Explanation, criticism, remark, note, commentary, elucidation, observation,comment
ANT:Statement, assertion, proposition, narrative, text
Inputed by Allen
- To him our schools are also indebted for the method of teaching foreign languages b y declensions, conjugations, vocabularies, formal rhetoric and annotations. Walter Libby. An Introduction to the History of Science.
- All this information was embodied graphically in large maps of the district, by annotations in colored inks; and Edison thus could study the question with every detail before him. Frank Lewis Dyer. Edison, His Life and Inventions.
Checker: Seymour