(adj.) having the authority to conduct official investigations; 'the inquisitorial power of the Senate' .
(adj.) marked by inquisitive interest; especially suggestive of an ecclesiastical inquisitor; 'the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism'; 'a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents'- Waldo Frank .
(adj.) especially indicating a form of prosecution in which proceedings are secret and the accused is questioned by a prosecutor who acts also as the judge .
Checked by Conan--From WordNet
(a.) Pertaining to inquisition; making rigorous and unfriendly inquiry; searching; as, inquisitorial power.
(a.) Pertaining to the Court of Inquisition or resembling its practices.
Checked by Lemuel
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Minute, arbitrary, overcurious, scrutinizing
ANT:Superficial, perfunctory, uninquisitive, incurious, Inobservant,unscrutinizing
Editor: Lois