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v.t. to administer baptism to: to christen give a name to.—n. Bapt′ism immersion in or sprinkling with water as a religious ceremony—a sign and seal of the covenant of grace. It is symbolic of spiritual purification and as a religious rite marks initiation into the Christian community.—adj. Baptis′mal.—adv. Baptis′mally.—ns. Bapt′ist one who baptises: one who approves only of baptising by immersion and that only to persons who profess their faith in Christ; Bap′tistery a place where baptism is administered either a separate building or a portion of a church.—Baptismal regeneration the doctrine of the remission of sin original and actual and of the new birth into the life of sanctifying grace in and through the sacrament of baptism; Baptism by desire the grace given to a believer who ardently desires baptism but dies before he can receive it; Baptism for the dead the vicarious baptism of a living Christian for an unbaptised dead Christian who was thereby accounted baptised and received into bliss—it is supposed to be alluded to in 1 Cor. xv. 29; Baptism of blood martyrdom for Christ's sake; Baptism of fire the gift of the Holy Spirit: martyrdom by fire for Christ's sake: (fig.) any trying ordeal to be endured as a young soldier's first experience of being under fire; Clinical baptism baptism administered to sick persons; Conditional (or Hypothetical) baptism baptism administered to those about whom it is doubtful whether they were baptised or whether the form of their earlier baptism was valid; Name of baptism the Christian or personal name given at baptism; Private baptism baptism administered at home or elsewhere not in the church.





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