(noun.) plant bugs; bedbugs; some true bugs; also includes suborders Heteroptera (true bugs) and Homoptera (e.g., aphids, plant lice and cicadas).
Checker: Sandra--From WordNet
(n. pl.) An order of hexapod insects having a jointed proboscis, including four sharp stylets (mandibles and maxillae), for piercing. In many of the species (Heteroptera) the front wings are partially coriaceous, and different from the others.
Edited by Bridget
n. an order of Insecta in the classification of Linn鎢s: in later systems the same as Rhyncota including aphides coccus insects cicadas bugs water-scorpions lice (Ametabola).—n. Hemip′ter.—adjs. Hemip′teral Hemip′teran Hemip′terous.
Edited by Flo