(noun.) an accidental happening; 'he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life'.
Editor: Wendell--From WordNet
(v. t.) To clothe; to wrap.
(n.) A cloak or plaid.
(n.) That which happens or comes suddenly or unexpectedly; also, the manner of occurrence or taking place; chance; fortune; accident; casual event; fate; luck; lot.
(v. i.) To happen; to befall; to chance.
Inputed by Byron
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. Chance, fortune, accident, haphazard, luck, casual event.
Checked by Elton
n. chance: fortune: accident.—v.i. to befall.—n. Hap-haz′ard that which happens by hazard: chance accident.—adj. chance accidental.—adv. at random.—adv. Hap-haz′ardly.—n. Hap-haz′ardness.—adj. Hap′less unlucky: unhappy.—adv. Hap′lessly.—n. Hap′lessness.—adv. Hap′ly by hap chance or accident: perhaps: it may be.—v.i. Happ′en to fall out: to take place: to chance to be.—n. Happ′ening.
v.t. (Scot.) to wrap up from the cold or rain.—n. a cloak or other covering.
Typist: Millie