


(noun.) a native or resident of Geneva.

Edited by Julia--From WordNet


(a.) Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese.

(n.) A native or inhabitant of Geneva.

(n.) A supported of Genevanism.

Checked by Anita


adj. pertaining to Geneva.—n. an inhabitant of Geneva: an adherent of Genevan or Calvinistic theology.—adjs. and ns. Genē′van Genevēse′.—n. Genē′vanism Calvinism.—Geneva Bible a version of the Bible with racy notes produced by English exiles at Geneva in 1560; Geneva Convention an international agreement of 1865 providing for the neutrality of hospitals and the security of sanitary officers naval and military chaplains; Geneva Cross a red cross on a white ground displayed for protection in war of persons serving in hospitals &c.; Geneva gown the dark loose preaching gown affected by the early Geneva reformers and still the common form of pulpit-gown among Presbyterians; Genevan theology so called from Calvin's residence in Geneva and the establishment of his doctrines there.

Typist: Suzy


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