(a.) Of or pertaining to the enteron, or alimentary canal; intestinal.
Typist: Nelly
adj. of or pertaining to the intestines.—ns. Enteradenog′raphy description of the intestinal glands; Enteradenol′ogy the branch of anatomy relating to the intestinal glands; Enteral′gia intestinal neuralgia; Enterī′tis inflammation of the intestines; En′terocele a hernial tumour containing part of the intestines; Enterogastrī′tis inflammation of the stomach and bowels; En′terolite En′terolith an intestinal concretion or calculus; Enterol′ogy a treatise on the internal parts of the body; En′teron the entire intestine or alimentary canal:—pl. En′tera; Enterop′athy disease of the intestines; Enteropneust′a a class of worm-like animals having the paired respiratory pouches opening from the front part of the alimentary canal; Enterot′omy dissection or incision of the intestines.
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