(a.) Alt. of Echinated
Checked by Ellen
Synonyms and Synonymous
a. Prickly, bristled.
Editor: Peter
adj. prickly like a hedgehog: set with prickles or bristles.—ns. Echī′nite a fossil sea-urchin; Echī′noderm one of the Echinoder′mata a class of animals having the skin strengthened by calcareous plates or covered with spikes.—adjs. Echinoder′matous relating to the Echinodermata; Ech′inoid like a sea-urchin.—n. one of the Echinoi′dea.—n. Echī′nus a sea-urchin: (archit.) the convex projecting moulding of eccentric curve in Greek examples supporting the abacus of the Doric capital.
Editor: Upton