(v. t.) To cheat, trick, defraud; -- followed by of, or out of; as, to chouse one out of his money.
(n.) One who is easily cheated; a tool; a simpleton; a gull.
(n.) A trick; sham; imposition.
(n.) A swindler.
Inputed by Juana
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. Deceive, cheat, trick, delude, defraud, swindle, dupe, gull, bamboozle, BAM, cozen, diddle, overreach, circumvent, beguile, hoodwink, victimize, take in, impose upon, put upon, practise upon, play upon.
n. [1]. Dupe, tool, gull, simpleton, cully.[2]. Trick, cheat, wile, ruse, BAM, imposture, imposition, fraud, deception, circumvention, deceit, double-dealing, stratagem, finesse, artifice, delusion, crafty device, piece of knavery.
Typist: Michael
n. (obs.) a cheat: one easily cheated: a trick.—v.t. to cheat swindle.
Inputed by Jane