(n.) That which nourishes; food; nutriment; anything which feeds or adds to a substance in natural growth. Hence: The necessaries of life generally: sustenance; means of support.
(n.) An allowance for maintenance.
(v. t.) To nourish; to support.
(v. t.) To provide for the maintenance of.
Checked by Leda
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. Nourishment, nutriment, food, sustenance, subsistence, provision, fare, diet, regimen, victuals, meat, viands, cheer, pabulum, rations, FEED, PROVENDER, FODDER, FORAGE, PROG.
Checked by Andrew
n. nourishment: food: provision for maintenance alimony: support.—v.t. to support sustain: make provision for the maintenance of.—adjs. Aliment′al supplying food; Aliment′ary pertaining to aliment: nutritive.—ns. Alimentā′tion the act or state of nourishing or of being nourished; Aliment′iveness (phrenol.) desire for food or drink; Al′imony an allowance for support made to a wife when legally separated from her husband or temporarily while the process is pending.—Alimentary canal the principal part of the digestive apparatus of animals in man extending with convolutions about 30 feet from the mouth to the anus—including pharynx œsophagus stomach small and large intestine &c.
Typist: Marvin