(v. t.) To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.
Editor: Priscilla
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. [Rare.] Abuse, vilify, revile, reproach, defame, asperse, slander, traduce, malign, blacken, berate, rate, upbraid, rail at, sneer at, speak ill of, run down.
Typed by Debora
v.t. to find fault with: to address with abuse: to rate soundly.—adj. Vitū′perable deserving vituperation.—n. Vitūperā′tion act of vituperating: censure: abuse.—adj. Vitū′perātive containing vituperation or censure.—adv. Vitū′perātively.—n. Vitū′perātor one who vituperates.
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