
[træns'pəʊz;trɑːns-;-nz-] or [træn'spoz]


(noun.) a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix.

(verb.) change key; 'Can you transpose this fugue into G major?'.

(verb.) put (a piece of music) into another key.

(verb.) transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality.

Inputed by Doris--From WordNet


(v. t.) To change the place or order of; to substitute one for the other of; to exchange, in respect of position; as, to transpose letters, words, or propositions.

(v. t.) To change; to transform; to invert.

(v. t.) To bring, as any term of an equation, from one side over to the other, without destroying the equation; thus, if a + b = c, and we make a = c - b, then b is said to be transposed.

(v. t.) To change the natural order of, as words.

(v. t.) To change the key of.

Checked by Giselle

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. a. Change the order of (by putting one in place of the other, or substituting one for the other).

Editor: Peter

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Change, transmute, interchange, reverse, shift, transfer, displace

ANT:Stereotype, stabilitate, fix, retain

Inputed by Hannibal


v.t. to put each in the place of the other: to change as the order of words or the key in music.—adj. Transpō′sable.—ns. Transpō′sal a change of place or order; Transpō′ser; Transposi′tion act of putting one thing in place of another: state of being transposed; a change of the order of words: (mus.) a change of key into a higher or lower scale.—adjs. Transposi′tional; Transpos′itive.—adv. Transpos′itively.—n. Transpos′itor.

Editor: Solomon


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