
['sɒlɪsɪz(ə)m] or ['sɑlɪsɪzəm]


(n.) An impropriety or incongruity of language in the combination of words or parts of a sentence; esp., deviation from the idiom of a language or from the rules of syntax.

(n.) Any inconsistency, unfitness, absurdity, or impropriety, as in deeds or manners.

Inputed by Alan

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. [1]. Bad grammar, false syntax.[2]. Incongruity, impropriety, absurdity.

Checked by Ellen


n. a breach of syntax: any absurdity or impropriety: any incongruity prodigy.—v.i. Sol′ēcise to commit solecisms.—n. Sol′ēcist one who commits solecisms.—adjs. Solēcist′ic -al pertaining to or involving a solecism: incorrect: incongruous.—adv. Solēcist′ically.

Checker: Witt


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