['skænd(ə)laɪz] or ['skændəlaɪz]
(v. t.) To offend the feelings or the conscience of (a person) by some action which is considered immoral or criminal; to bring shame, disgrace, or reproach upon.
(v. t.) To reproach; to libel; to defame; to slander.
Editor: William
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. [1]. Offend, give offence to.[2]. Vilify, asperse, defame, backbite, decry, calumniate, slander, reproach, libel, revile, satirize, lampoon, bring disgrace on, inveigh against.
Typist: Natalie
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Disgrace, disgust, shock, offend, defame, reproach
ANT:Honor,[See RAPID]
Inputed by Jesse