(noun.) the crustlike surface of a healing skin lesion.
(noun.) someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.
(verb.) form a scab; 'the wounds will eventually scab'.
Inputed by Diego--From WordNet
(n.) An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed by the drying up of the discharge from the diseased part.
(n.) The itch in man; also, the scurvy.
(n.) The mange, esp. when it appears on sheep.
(n.) A disease of potatoes producing pits in their surface, caused by a minute fungus (Tiburcinia Scabies).
(n.) A slight irregular protuberance which defaces the surface of a casting, caused by the breaking away of a part of the mold.
(n.) A mean, dirty, paltry fellow.
(n.) A nickname for a workman who engages for lower wages than are fixed by the trades unions; also, for one who takes the place of a workman on a strike.
(v. i.) To become covered with a scab; as, the wound scabbed over.
Checker: Quincy
n. a crust formed over a sore: a disease of sheep resembling the mange: a disease of potatoes or a fungous disease of apples &c.: a mean fellow: a workman who refuses to join a trades-union or to take part in a strike or who takes the place of a man out on strike.—v.i. to heal over to cicatrise: to form a new surface by encrustation.—n. (print.) a scale-board.—adj. Scab′bed affected or covered with scabs: diseased with the scab: vile worthless.—ns. Scab′bedness; Scab′biness.—adj. Scab′by scabbed: injured by the attachment of barnacles to the carapace of a shell: (print.) of matter that is blotched or uneven.—n. Scab′-mite the itch-mite.
Typed by Bartholdi