['rektæŋg(ə)l] or ['rɛktæŋɡl]
(n.) A four-sided figure having only right angles; a right-angled parallelogram.
(a.) Rectangular.
Typed by Claus
n. a four-sided figure with all its angles right angles and its opposite sides equal.—adjs. Rec′tangled having right angles; Rectang′ūlar right-angled.—n. Rectangūlar′ity the state or quality of being right-angled.—adv. Rectang′ūlarly with or at right angles.—n. Rectang′ūlarness.—Rectangular hyperbola a hyperbola whose asymptotes are at right angles to one another; Rectangular solid a solid whose axis is perpendicular to its base.
Checker: Newman