[pjuːk] or [pjuk]
(v. i.) To eject the contests of the stomach; to vomit; to spew.
(v. t.) To eject from the stomach; to vomit up.
(n.) A medicine that causes vomiting; an emetic; a vomit.
(a.) Of a color supposed to be between black and russet.
Checker: Muriel
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. n. Vomit, spew.
v. a. Vomit, spew, cast up, throw up.
Inputed by Antonia
v.i. to spew vomit: to sicken.—n. vomit: an emetic.—n. Pū′ker one who vomits.
adj. (Shak.) of a colour between black and russet: reddish-brown: puce.—n. Puke′-stock′ing (Shak.) a dark-coloured stocking.
Edited by Julius