(n. pl.) The catamenial or menstrual discharge, a periodic flow of blood or bloody fluid from the uterus or female generative organs.
Edited by Ian
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. pl. Catamenia, monthly courses, menstrual discharges, menstrual flux.
Edited by Elsie
Definition the monthly discharge from the uterus.—ns. Men′opause the final cessation of the menses; Menorrhā′gia (phys.) the ordinary flow of the menses: (path.) an immoderate menstrual discharge.—adj. Menorrhag′ic.—n. Menos′tasis the retention of the menses.— Men′strua the menses.—adjs. Men′strual monthly; Men′struant subject to menses.—v.i. Men′struāte to discharge the menses.—n. Menstruā′tion.—adj. Men′struous having or belonging to menses.
Typed by Cyril