
[me'dʌlə] or [mɪ'dʌlə]


(noun.) the inner part of an organ or structure in plant or animal.

Inputed by Antonia--From WordNet


(n.) Marrow; pith; hence, essence.

(n.) The marrow of bones; the deep or inner portion of an organ or part; as, the medulla, or medullary substance, of the kidney; specifically, the medula oblongata.

(n.) A soft tissue, occupying the center of the stem or branch of a plant; pith.

Inputed by Anna


n. the inner portion of an organ or part as the pith of a hair spinal cord or its continuation within the cranium (medulla oblongata): the pith of a plant the thallus in lichens &c.—adjs. Medull′ar -y consisting of or resembling marrow or pith; Med′ullated provided with a medullary sheath.—n. Medull′in the cellulose in the medulla of plants like the lilac.—adj. Med′ullose like pith.—Medullary rays the bands of cells in various trees extending across the wood from the pith to the bark; Medullary sheath (bot.) a thin layer surrounding the pith.

Typed by Eliza


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