
['luːmɪn(ə)rɪ] or ['lʊmə'nɛri]


(noun.) a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; 'he was host to a large gathering of luminaries'.

Edited by Lilian--From WordNet


(n.) Any body that gives light, especially one of the heavenly bodies.

(n.) One who illustrates any subject, or enlightens mankind; as, Newton was a distinguished luminary.

Inputed by Alphonso

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Sage, savant, celebrity, light, genius

ANT:Fool, ignoramus, dunce, lout, blockhead

Inputed by Allen


n. any body which gives light esp. one of the heavenly bodies: one who illustrates any subject or instructs mankind.—adj. Lū′minant emitting light.—n. an illuminating agent.—n. Luminā′tion a lighting up.—v.t. Lū′mine (Spens.) to illumine.—adjs. Luminif′erous transmitting light; Lū′minous giving light: shining: illuminated: clear: lucid.—adv. Lū′minously.—ns. Lū′minousness Luminos′ity.—Luminous paint a phosphorescent powder such as sulphide or oxysulphide of calcium ground up with a colourless varnish or other medium and used as a paint.

Edited by Gene

Unserious Contents or Definition

n. One who throws light upon a subject; as an editor by not writing about it.

Checker: Zachariah


Inputed by Frieda


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