[ɪn'gɔːdʒ;en-] or [ɪn'ɡɔrdʒ]
(v. t.) To gorge; to glut.
(v. t.) To swallow with greediness or in large quantities; to devour.
(v. i.) To feed with eagerness or voracity; to stuff one's self with food.
Typist: Margery
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. Gorge, devour, swallow up, swallow eagerly, gulp down.
v. n. Devour food, feed greedily, be gluttonous.
Editor: Wendell
Synonyms and Antonyms
Typed by Gwendolyn
v.t. (Spens.) to devour to glut.—v.i. (Milton) to feed voraciously.—adj. Engorged′ filled to excess with blood.—n. Engorge′ment the act of swallowing greedily: (med.) an obstruction of the vessels in some part of the system.
Typist: Psyche