
[en'sɪklɪk(ə)l;ɪn-;-'saɪk-] or [ɪn'sɪklɪkl]


(noun.) a letter from the pope sent to all Roman Catholic bishops throughout the world.

(adj.) intended for wide distribution; 'an encyclical letter' .

Editor: Peter--From WordNet


(a.) Sent to many persons or places; intended for many, or for a whole order of men; general; circular; as, an encyclical letter of a council, of a bishop, or the pope.

(n.) An encyclical letter, esp. one from a pope.

Editor: Ronda

Synonyms and Synonymous

a. Circular.

Editor: Robert


adj. sent round to many persons or places.—n. a letter addressed by the pope to all his bishops condemning current errors or advising the Christian people how to act in regard to great public questions.—Also Encyc′lic.

Typed by Alphonse


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