['dekstə] or ['dɛkstɚ]
(a.) Pertaining to, or situated on, the right hand; right, as opposed to sinister, or left.
(a.) On the right-hand side of a shield, i. e., towards the right hand of its wearer. To a spectator in front, as in a pictorial representation, this would be the left side.
Inputed by Agnes
adj. on the right-hand side: right: (her.) of that side of the shield on the right-hand side of the wearer to the spectator's left.—n. Dexter′ity right-handedness: cleverness: readiness and skill: adroitness.—adjs. Dex′terous Dex′trous right-handed: adroit: subtle.—adv. Dex′terously.—n. Dex′terousness.—adj. Dex′tral right as opposed to left.—n. Dextral′ity right-handedness.—adv. Dex′trally.—adjs. Dex′tro-gȳ′rate causing to turn to the right hand; Dex′trorse Dextror′sal rising from right to left.
Checker: Thelma