(noun.) the principles of a body of 19th century English reformers who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people.
Typist: Melba--From WordNet
(n.) The principles of a political party in England (1838-48), which contended for universal suffrage, the vote by ballot, annual parliaments, equal electoral districts, and other radical reforms, as set forth in a document called the People's Charter.
Edited by Everett
n. a movement in Great Britain for the extension of political power to the working-classes rising out of widespread national distress and popular disappointment with the results of the Reform Bill of 1832—its programme the 'People's Charter ' drawn up in 1838 with six points: (1) Manhood Suffrage; (2) Equal Electoral Districts; (3) Vote by Ballot; (4) Annual Parliaments; (5) Abolition of Property Qualification; and (6) Payment of Members of the House of Commons.—n. Chart′ist a supporter of chartism.
Typist: Virginia