(n.) A ferment.
(n.) The morbific principle of a zymotic disease.
Editor: Thea
n. a ferment: a disease-germ—the supposed specific cause of a zymotic disease.—n. Zy′mase enzym any of the unorganised ferments.—adj. Zy′mic relating to fermentation.—ns. Zy′mite a priest using leavened bread in the Eucharist; Zy′mogen a substance capable of developing by internal change into a ferment.—adjs. Zymogen′ic; Zy′moid like a ferment; Zymolog′ic -al pertaining to zymology.—ns. Zymol′ogist one skilled in zymology; Zymol′ogy the science of fermentation; Zymol′ysis Zymō′sis fermentation of any kind; Zymom′eter Zymosim′eter an instrument for measuring the degree of fermentation; Zy′mophyte a bacterioid ferment capable of liberating fatty acids from neutral fats.—adjs. Zymotech′nic -al producing and utilising fermentation.—n. Zymotech′nics the art of managing fermentation.—adj. Zymot′ic pertaining to fermentation.—adv. Zymot′ically.—Zymotic disease a term for diseases caused by the multiplication of a living germ introduced from without into the body.
Edited by Jeanne