(noun.) Christian holiday; the week beginning on Whitsunday (especially the first 3 days).
Inputed by Katherine--From WordNet
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or observed at, Whitsuntide; as, Whitsun week; Whitsun Tuesday; Whitsun pastorals.
Inputed by Jesse
adj. pertaining to or observed at Whitsuntide.—ns. Whit′sun-ale a festival formerly held at Whitsuntide; Whit′sunday Whit′suntide the seventh Sunday after Easter commemorating the day of Pentecost when the converts in the primitive Church wore white robes: in Scotland one of the term-days (May 15) on which rents annuities &c. are payable the Whitsunday removal terms in towns being fixed as May 28; Whit′suntide the season of Pentecost comprising the week following Pentecost Sunday; Whit′sun-week the week beginning with Whitsunday.
Checker: Susie