


(a.) Technical.

(a.) The method of performance in any art; technical skill; artistic execution; technique.

(a.) Technical terms or objects; things pertaining to the practice of an art or science.

Inputed by Avis


adj. pertaining to art esp. the useful arts: belonging to a particular art or profession.—n. Technical′ity state or quality of being technical: that which is technical.—adv. Tech′nically.—ns. Tech′nicalness; Techni′cian; Tech′nicist one skilled in the practical arts.— Tech′nics the doctrine of arts in general: the branches that relate to the arts; Technique (tek-nēk′) method of performance manipulation esp. everything concerned with the mechanical part of a musical performance.—adjs. Technolog′ic -al relating to technology.—ns. Technol′ogist one skilled in technology; Technol′ogy the systematic knowledge of the industrial arts: a discourse or treatise on the arts: an explanation of terms employed in the arts; Technon′omy the principles underlying technology.

Checked by Aubrey


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