(n.) A massive variety of talc, of a grayish green or brown color. It forms extensive beds, and is quarried for fireplaces and for coarse utensils. Called also potstone, lard stone, and soapstone.
Edited by Dorothy
Synonyms and Synonymous
n. Soapstone.
Inputed by Emilia
n. soapstone a compact or massive variety of talc a hydrous silicate of magnesia white or yellow soft and greasy to the touch—used by tailors for marking cloth and called Briané¾n Chalk French Chalk and Venice Talc.—adj. Stēatit′ic.—ns. Stēatī′tis inflammation of the fatty tissue; Stē′atocele a fatty tumour in the scrotum; Stēatō′ma a fatty encysted tumour.—adj. Stēatom′atous.—n. Stēatop′yga an accumulation of fat on the buttocks of the Bushmen women.—adj. Stēatop′ygous fat-buttocked.—n. Stēatō′sis fatty degeneration of an organ as the heart.
Checked by Bertrand