(v. t.) To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing through the lids threads which were fastened over the head.
(v. t.) Hence, to shut or close, as the eyes; to blind.
(v. i.) To incline to one side; to lean; to roll, as a ship at sea.
(n.) Alt. of Seeling
(n.) Good fortune; favorable opportunity; prosperity. [Obs.] "So have I seel".
(n.) Time; season; as, hay seel.
Typed by Agatha
n. (prov.) good fortune happiness: opportunity season.—n. Seel′iness.—adj. Seel′y (Spens.) silly innocent: fortunate happy good: simple: trifling.—n. good fortune: bliss: (Scot.) opportunity.
v.i. to lean to one side to pitch or roll.—n. a roll of a ship.
v.t. to close the eyes of by sewing the eyelids together as a hawk: to blind hoodwink.
Edited by Astor