(v. t.) To fight against; to oppose; to resist.
Typist: Sadie
v.t. (Shak.) to fight against to oppose.—adj. Repugnable (rē-pū′- or rē-pug′-na-bl) capable of being resisted.—ns. Repugnance (rē-pug′- like all the succeeding words) the state of being repugnant: resistance: aversion: reluctance; Repug′nancy.—adj. Repug′nant hostile: adverse: contrary: distasteful: at variance.—adv. Repug′nantly.—n. Repug′nantness.—v.t. Repug′nate to oppose: to fight against.—adj. Repugnatō′rial serving as a means of defence.—n. Repugner (rē-pū′nėr) one who rebels.
Inputed by Diego