(n.) Same as Rotche.
(n.) A ratchet wheel, or notched bar, with which a pawl or click works.
Typed by Agatha
n. a rack or bar with teeth into which a click drops: the wheel which makes a clock strike: a white mark on the face of a horse.—v.t. to stretch: to streak.—v.i. to sail by tacks.—ns. Ratch′et a bar acting on the teeth of a ratchet-wheel: a click or pall; Ratch′et-coup′ling a device for uncoupling machinery in the event of a sudden stoppage; Ratch′et-drill a tool for drilling holes the bit mounted in a stock and rotated by a ratchet-wheel and lever; Ratch′et-jack a form of screw-jack; Ratch′et-lē′ver a lever fitted round a ratchet-wheel; Ratch′et-punch a punch worked by means of a ratchet-lever; Ratch′et-wheel a wheel having teeth against which a ratchet abuts for changing a reciprocating into a rotatory motion &c.; Ratch′et-wrench a ratchet bed-key wrench.—adj. Ratch′ety jerky.—n. Ratch′ment (archit.) a flying buttress springing from corner principals.
Checked by Kathy