- The hay can be gathered by any number of sweep rakes and dumped near the stacker, which will stack on any side and in any shape. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- In agriculture, the reaper has been supplemented with threshing machines, seeders, drills, cultivators, horse rakes and plows. Edward W. Byrn. The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century.
- There were ploughs which were made heavy or light as the different soils required, and there were a variety of farm implements, such as spades, hoes, harrows and rakes. William Henry Doolittle. Inventions in the Century.
- The salt settles to the bottom of the pan and large rakes operated either by hand or machinery collect the salt. Various. The Wonder Book of Knowledge.
- This output, together with 75,000 horse rakes, also made, averaged a complete machine for every forty seconds in the year, working ten hours a day. Edward W. Byrn. The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century.
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