


(a.) Having five angles or corners.

Edited by Guthrie


adj. having five angles.—adjs. Quinquartic′ular of five articles; Quinquecap′sular having five capsules; Quinquecos′tāte -d having five ribs; Quinqueden′tate -d (bot.) five-toothed; Quinquefā′rious disposed in five sets or rows; Quin′quefid cleft into five segments; Quinquefō′liate -d (bot.) having five leaves or leaflets; Quinquelit′eral consisting of five letters; Quinquelō′bate having five lobes; Quinqueloc′ular having five loculi; Quinquepé‹?prime;tite five-parted; Quinquesep′tate having five septa; Quinquesē′rial arranged in five series; Quinquesyllab′ic having five syllables; Quinquev′alent having an equivalence of five; Quin′quevalve Quinqueval′vular having five valves.

Inputed by Avis


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