(n.) An elder in the early Christian church. See 2d Citation under Bishop, n., 1.
(n.) One ordained to the second order in the ministry; -- called also priest.
(n.) A member of a presbytery whether lay or clerical.
(n.) A Presbyterian.
Typed by Levi
n. an elder a priest: a minister or priest in rank between a bishop and a deacon: a member of a presbytery.—adjs. Presbyt′eral Presbytē′rial Presbytē′rian pertaining to or consisting of presbyters: pertaining to Presbytery or that form of church government in which all the clergy or presbyters are equal—opp. to Episcopacy.—n. Presbyt′erāte the office of a presbyter: a presbytery.—adv. Presbytē′rially.—ns. Presbytē′rian; Presbytē′rianism the form of church government by presbyters; Pres′bytership; Pres′bytery a church court ranking between the Kirk-session and the Synod consisting of the ministers and one elder a layman from each church within a certain district: that part of the church reserved for the officiating priests: (R.C.) a clergyman's house.—Reformed Presbyterian Church a religious body in Scotland called also Cameronians who remained separate from the Church of Scotland and maintained the perpetual obligation of the Covenants—the greater part joined the Free Church in 1876; United Presbyterian Church a religious body formed by the union of the Secession and Relief Churches in 1847—itself uniting with the Free Church in 1900.
Inputed by Celia