


(noun.) severe conjunctivitis.

Editor: Lora--From WordNet


(n.) An inflammation of the membranes or coats of the eye or of the eyeball.

Checked by Bonnie

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. [L.] Ophthalmy.

Typist: Suzy


n. inflammation of the eye—also Ophthal′my.—adj. Ophthal′mic pertaining to the eye.—ns. Ophthal′mist Ophthalmol′ogist one skilled in ophthalmology; Ophthalmī′tis inflammation of the eyeball; Ophthalmodyn′ia pain esp. rheumatic pain of the eye; Ophthalmog′raphy a description of the eye.—adjs. Ophthalmolog′ic -al.—ns. Ophthalmol′ogy the science of the eye its structure and functions; Ophthalmom′eter an instrument for eye-measurements; Ophthalmom′etry the making of such; Ophthalmoplē′gia paralysis of one or more of the muscles of the eye; Ophthal′moscope an instrument for examining the interior of the eye.—adjs. Ophthalmoscop′ic -al.—adv. Ophthalmoscop′ically.—ns. Ophthal′moscopy examination of the interior of the eye with the ophthalmoscope; Ophthalmot′omy dissection of the eye: an incision into the eye.

Checker: Lorenzo


Checker: Osbert


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