(n. pl.) The fifth day of the months January, February, April, June, August, September, November, and December, and the seventh day of March, May, July, and October. The nones were nine days before the ides, reckoning inclusively, according to the Roman method.
(n. pl.) The canonical office, being a part of the Breviary, recited at noon (formerly at the ninth hour, 3 P. M.) in the Roman Catholic Church.
(n. pl.) The hour of dinner; the noonday meal.
Edited by Lester
Definition in the Roman calendar the ninth day before the Ides (both days included)—the 5th of Jan. Feb. April June Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. and the 7th of the other months: the Divine office for the ninth hour or three o'clock.
Edited by Kitty