(n.) A genus of South American monkeys, including the howlers. See Howler, 2, and Illust.
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n. a kind of South American monkey called also Howlers. mushrooms or fungi.—ns. Mycetol′ogy (same as Mycology); Mycetō′ma a chronic disease of the feet and hands in India.— Mycetozō′a a group of fungus-like organisms now mostly contained in the division Myxomycetes or slime-fungi.—adjs. Mycolog′ic -al.—ns. Mycol′ogist; Mycol′ogy the science treating of the fungi or mushrooms; Mycoph′agist; Mycoph′agy the eating of fungi; My′cose a kind of sugar obtained from certain lichens and fungi as ergot of rye—also Trehalose; Mycō′sis the presence of fungus growth within the body.—adj. Mycot′ic.
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