(v. t.) To cause to cease for a time, or at intervals; to interrupt; to suspend.
(v. i.) To cease for a time or at intervals; to moderate; to be intermittent, as a fever.
Typed by Helga
Synonyms and Synonymous
v. a. Suspend, interrupt, discontinue, cease, stop, leave off, give over.
v. n. Cease, abate, subside, be suspended, be interrupted.
Editor: Moll
Synonyms and Antonyms
SYN:Suspend, relax, discontinue, break
ANT:Continue, prosecute, urge, dispatch
Inputed by Harlow
v.t. to cause to cease for a time: to interrupt.—n. Intermiss′ion act of intermitting: interval: pause.—adj. Intermiss′ive coming at intervals.—ns. Intermit′tence Intermit′tency state of being intermittent.—adj. Intermit′tent intermitting or ceasing at intervals as a fever.—adv. Intermit′tingly.—Intermittent or Intermitting spring a spring flowing for a time and then ceasing beginning again &c.
Checked by Cathy
- A slow intermitting fever began to prey on my constitution. Harriette Wilson. The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson.
Editor: Trudy