['pjuːbətɪ] or ['pjubɚti]
(n.) The earliest age at which persons are capable of begetting or bearing children, usually considered, in temperate climates, to be about fourteen years in males and twelve in females.
(n.) The period when a plant first bears flowers.
n. the age of full development: early manhood or womanhood: the period when a plant begins to flower.—adjs. Pū′beral; Pūber′ulent covered with very fine downy hairs.—ns. Pū′bes the pubic region the hair growing thereon at puberty; Pūbes′cence state of one arrived at puberty: (bot.) the soft short hair on plants.—adj. Pūbes′cent arriving at puberty: (bot. zool.) covered with soft short hair; Pubig′erous pubescent.