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['lɪŋgw(ə)l] or ['lɪŋɡwəl]


(noun.) a consonant that is produced with the tongue and other speech organs.

(adj.) pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue; 'lingual inflammation'; 'the lingual surface of the teeth' .

安妮編輯--From WordNet


(a.) Of or pertaining to the tongue; uttered by the aid of the tongue; glossal; as, the lingual nerves; a lingual letter.

(n.) A consonant sound formed by the aid of the tongue; -- a term especially applied to certain articulations (as those of t, d, th, and n) and to the letters denoting them.



adj. pertaining to the tongue or utterance.—n. a letter pronounced mainly by the tongue as t d (also called Dental).—adj. Linguaden′talDentilingual.—adv. Ling′ually.—adj. Ling′uiform tongue-shaped.—ns. Ling′uist one skilled in tongues or languages; Ling′uister a dabbler in philology.—adjs. Linguist′ic -al pertaining to languages and the affinities of languages.—adv. Linguist′ically.—n.pl. Linguist′ics the general or comparative science or study of languages.—n. Ling′ula a tongue-like part or process.—adjs. Ling′ular Ling′ulate tongue-shaped.



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