['kɑːdɪæk] or ['kɑrdɪæk]
(a.) Pertaining to, resembling, or hear the heart; as, the cardiac arteries; the cardiac, or left, end of the stomach.
(a.) Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach; cordial; stimulant.
(n.) A medicine which excites action in the stomach; a cardial.
adj. belonging to the heart: cordial reviving—also Cardiac′al.—ns. Car′diac a disease of the heart: a cordial; Car′dialgy Cardial′gia an uneasy sensation or burning pain at the upper orifice of the stomach apparently at the heart—hence called heartburn; Car′diograph an apparatus for recording by a tracing—Car′diogram—the movements of the heart; Car′dioid a geometrical curve so called from its heart-like form; Cardīt′is inflammation of the heart.