(a.) Of or pertaining to a nail, claw, talon, or hoof, or resembling one.
(a.) Having a nail, claw, or hoof attached; -- said of certain bones of the feet.
adj. relating to like or having a nail claw or hoof.—adj. Ung′uical.—n. Ung′uicorn the horny nail at the tip of a bird's mandible.—adj. Unguic′ūlar relating to a nail or claw.—n.pl. Unguicūlā′ta a superordinal division of mammals with claws.—adjs. Unguic′ūlate -d having claws: furnished with a claw or narrow base as the petal in some flowers.—n. Unguic′ūlus a diminutive claw or similar appendage at the end of an insect's foot.—adjs. Unguif′erous bearing an unguis of one kind or other; Ung′uiform shaped like a claw; Ung′uinal pertaining to the unguis or nail; Unguiros′tral with a nail at the end of the bill.—ns. Ung′uis a nail claw hoof or any structure resembling such: the narrow part of the base of a petal acting as a footstalk: a measure equal to the length of the nail of the little finger ?inch; Ungula (ung′gū-la) a surgical instrument for use in removing a dead fœtus: a hoof-shaped section of a cylinder cone or other solid of revolution cut off by a plane oblique to the base.—adj. Ungular (ung′gū-lar) like an ungula ungual.—n.pl. Ungulata (ung-gū-lā′ta) an order of mammals including (1) the Artiodactyla (with an even number of toes)—e.g. pig hippopotamus peccary camel and ruminants like cattle sheep and deer; (2) the Perissodactyla (with an odd number of toes)—e.g. tapir rhinoceros and horse.—adj. Ungulate (ung′gū-lāt) hoof-shaped: hoofed having the digits enclosed in hoofs.